Selcon Ltda Customer Satisfaction Research.
Aiming the increase of our costumer satisfaction and the continuous improvement of our product s and services, we make this questionnaire available for your company’s evaluation about our effectiveness towards the settled goals. Your contribution is really important for our relationship and improvement.


Assessment responsible Department

Telephone extension e- mail

City/State/Province Country

01.Internal salespeople and sales representatives services

a) Assess the knowledge of  internal salespeople and sales representatives towards Selcon products
b) What is your opinion towards internal salespeople and sales representatives’ posture, politeness, and commitment?
c) Assess the clearness of the information provided by internal salespeople and sales representatives
d) Assess the deadline fulfillment for information dispatch by the  internal salespeople
e) Assess the return of  commercial information

02. Information and technical support

a) What is you opinion towards the technical team’s posture, politeness, in relation to the fulfillment of your company’s requirements and/or change of products?
b) Assess the quality of the information and  technical solutions provided  by Selcon
c) Asses the service information time and technical solutions required

03. Regarding Selcon products and services

a) Assess the delivery deadline of Selcon products and services
b) Assess the delivery punctuality  of  Selcon products and services
c) What is your opinion towards satisfaction with Selcon products and services prices?
d) What is your opinion towards products and services adequacy to your company needs?

04. Comparison to Competitors

A lot Inferior Inferior  Equal  Superior  A lot Superior
a) Compare Selcon sales service to the other suppliers of your company.
b) Compare the service and results of Selcon technical support to the other suppliers of your company.
c) Compare the delivery deadline of Selcon products to the other suppliers of your company.
d) Compare your satisfaction with Selcon products to the satisfaction with the products of the other suppliers of your company.

What do you expect from Selcon? (Other important information you need to give)